
Moving from Penguins to Owls!!!

I am slowly learning how to edit and upload my photos to the blog!  So anyway...
Here are some of my cuties during our penguin unit.  We had so much fun! 
We measured ourselves against the Emperor...guess she is a little shorter than the big guy!

We got in height order without talking!  Very challenging!
And painted life size penguins!  So cute!
Aren't they cute?  We are moving on to Owls tomorrow and I can't wait to use some of the great products I bought during the sale!  What did you buy?  Do you have any recommendations for owls?

Please leave a comment if you have a suggestion for a TPT product I should check out for my Owl Unit!  Thanks!



  1. How fun to paint the life size penguins! My students would love that!
    I have a free Owl unit in my TPT store.

  2. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Thanks so much! I'm checking it out now! I also plan to have the kiddos paint life size owls! It will be fun to compare!
