
Don't Forget!

Here is a little tip for the beginning of the school year!

So you know all of those little things we need to "remember to remind" our parents and students about every day?  Well, I don't know about you, but I ALWAYS forget!   Have you ever felt like this?

I used to feel like this!  

Well, two years ago I discovered the COOLEST app EVER!  I'm not kidding!  I was a little leary of using it, but I've taken the Technology Bull by the horns and by golly...I am becoming pretty darn techy!  This little app is FREE and has made my life as a teacher easier!

Maybe you've already heard of it....

Remind 101 (I think they changed the name to just Remind) is great!  This little app allows you to "REMIND" parents about important events at school (plays, spirit days, field trips, homework projects, etc.) in a user friendly format.  

Your phone number is not shared with the parents and their number is not shared with you!  They simply join your group and then you have access to send out a mass reminder!  These are some examples from a year ago!
This was my last message of the year!  

I really did forget to tell the kiddos that we would have pajama day the day after open house!  They were thrilled!  Maybe forgetting sometimes is a good idea!?

I don't send them often, so when the parents get one they really do READ them!
Now, if your little kiddos are like mine, no matter how many times I model how to use a glue stick and how to replace the lid, we end up with "dead" glue sticks!  This was my favorite reminder that I sent out to the parents!  When they came to pick up their kiddos that afternoon, 3 parents arrived with bags of glue sticks!  I was set for a long while!  (I've since switched to "glue sponges," but that's another story!)

Last year at Back to School Night, I gave all of my parents the sign up information and most of the parents were signed up before they left my room that night!  So now it's your turn!  Click on the picture and make an account.  It's free!  Do it now so you can become familar with all the features and get your "code" to have for Back to School Night!    
Click on this picture and sign up!  You'll be so happy you did!

I just had to throw in this picture so you can sing or hum this little tune to "remind yourself" to download this app!


Don't Miss Out!

I know one giveaway just ended, but get ready for BIGGER and BETTER!

I am so excited to announce my Back to School Giveaways!   That's right....GiveawaySSSSS!

Some FANTASTIC vendors have teamed up with me to offer some AMAZING prizes to kick off your school year!

Click on the links below to check out these awesome companies!


Kinder-gardening Aprons
Check back soon to enter to win these prizes!


CTR and a Freebie!

Hi Friends!  I'm blogging over at Classroom Tested Resources today!  Head over to read my post about Back to School read alouds and grab my freebie!


Giveaway and a Freebie!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for stopping by!


Easy Science Experiments for Kids!

Looking to inspire young minds when it comes to science?
Adopt the Ms. Frizzle frame of mind.
Educents Blog (6)
Learning about bacteria is fun, but has your family ever GROWN bacteria? Let the “professionals” show you how AMAZING it can be! In the World of Germs kit, Magic School Bus scientists grow bacteria and fungi, test antibiotics, make a fungus bubble, grow mold, wake up fungi, cultivate bacteria in yogurt, and use yeast to inflate a balloon! Get an exciting new Magic School Bus Science Kit delivered to your doorstep every month for a YEAR! These science experiments for kids include making clouds in a bottle, making rain, the greenhouse effect, making a thermometer, making a tornado, creating your own weather chart, and more! Educents has the award-winning Science Kit subscription for 50% off (+ free shipping within the US)!


Back to School Freebie!

I've been working hard getting ready for my new little class of First Graders!  I haven't been in my classroom, yet, but I've been drooling over the instagram photos from others!

I'm getting so excited to meet my new group.  I'm planning some fun activities for the first few weeks and I've been creating and planning my word work tubs for the first part of the year!

I want my kiddos engaged in hands on activities right away!  I like to start teaching routines, procedures and expectations as soon as possible.  And, we all know that those little first graders come to school ready to do some first grade work!  They are excited to of MANY reasons I LOVE teaching first grade!

Most First Graders will have mastered letter sounds in Kindergarten, but this makes it the perfect concept to review while teaching procedures. It also gives me a quick look at who may need interventions or a little more reinforcement!

These activities are intended for an interactive "Word Work" book.  I plan to have my kiddos use a composition book that has been cut in half as their "Word Work" book!  I like using the half size, not only because I get twice as many, but it's less "white" space for the kids.  These word work activities are intended to be completed quickly and reinforce the concept.

After thinking about how I could make this word work activity meaningful for my kids, I started creating the Alpha Match resource.

This resource not only reinforces letter sounds, but provides opportunity for letter formation.
 Reviewing letter sounds is such a great way to build confidence while refreshing this important skill.

I've also created the first two short vowel word family packs!  


As these units are completed, they will be added to the "bundle".  Currently the bundle sells for $5.  As I add each unit, the price for the bundle will increase!  Buy it now and download the revisions as they are posted!  

Click the image below to download a free sample of this product!  


Viva Las Vegas!

I got back from Vegas on Saturday and slept for hours!  Wow!  I  didn't realize how tired I was! But now that I've rested, I have to share about all the exciting things I learned and saw!

Most importantly, I met and reconnected with so many wonderful people!  The most exciting thing that has come from having a teaching blog is meeting wonderful teachers!  I finally got to meet my blogging buddies from Classroom Tested Resources!  We've been Facebook friends for awhile, but we met for the first time face to face in Vegas! These ladies are such talented individuals!

Wednesday, I woke up bright and early and worked at the Go Noodle booth!  I love Go Noodle!  I had so much fun sharing my excitement with other teachers.  I still can't believe there are teachers who haven't heard about this FREE website for brain breaks!  If you haven't checked out this website, no shaming - I promise, just do yourself a favor and set up an acccount before school starts!  You will thank yourself!

My grade level teaching buddy, Renee Dooly,  and I had so much fun "GoNoodling"!

Go Noodle - Click the cute pic above to visit their website and sign up for your FREE account!
I also found some resources for my classroom that I cannot live without!  You've seen magnetic slates and whiteboard slates, right?  Well, this is a new twist on the slate...Kleen Slate!  The templates fit behind the plastic sleeve, so you can write on it and wipe off...on any template you choose!  The versatility made my mind go crazy!  I'm thinking ten frames, five frames, 100s chart, fact families, vocabulary, sight words, word families, addition, etc.  They sell them with handles and without.  Great for formative assessment and center work.  I definitely see these in my future!
KleenSlates are amazing for classroom use!

I also met Dr. Klemm!  Her products teach numbers in such a higher level way!  I loved how she integrates math into real life experiences.  She has a free download on her website that is wonderful...check it out!  She was so sweet!  I saw the number 1 and the matching t-shirt!  She created a birthday bundle for my cute little nephew and shipped it for his First Birthday!  Now who's the coolest Aunt?!  ME!!!
Numbers Alive - Click the Number Friends to go to Dr. Klemm's website! 

Ok, last but not least, I bought a cute apron to use in my classroom!  This is not it:
The one I bought does NOT have a tutu, but I love it so much, I may have to order it!  How engaged with those little firsties be if I was wearing a tutu apron?  If you don't have an apron to use for word building or math instruction, you should check out Kinder-gardening!  She has so many choices!

There is so much more that I want to share, but honestly, my brain is on overload with all of the wonderful information I gathered.  I love attending professional development when I have time to process the information and then plan my year!  Also, I love getting excited about what I do and being surrounded by like minded folks...teachers really are the nicest people, if I do say so myself! :)

So here's to what's left of summer!


Vegas here I come!

It's been a whirlwind summer so far!  Right after school was out, my daughters and I hopped on a plane and headed to Texas to visit my family!  We've been having fun in the sun (and rain)!  Lots of shopping (Woodlands Mall, Willowbrook Mall, Cypress Outlets!!!) and eating out, YUM!  I love the variety of restaurants for sure.  My little Northern California town does not offer too much variety in the dining out department!

Well, I am gearing up for VEGAS now!  I'm so excited to meet so many friends that I have met through blogging and Teachers Pay Teachers!  When I started this little blog 3 years ago, it never occurred to me that I would make friends doing this!  Seriously, I had no idea!

I have multiple "meet ups" scheduled for each day that I'm in Vegas and am chomping at the bit to get there.  Last year I attended the "I Teach First" conference so was able to be there early!  I couldn't justify the extra money this year, so I'm waiting until Tuesday to leave :(  Next year, I think I'll be there for the whole event!  I don't like missing a good party:)

I can't wait to meet up with my Roomie and Grade Level Teaching Partner, Renee Dooly!  She's the best traveling buddy E.V.E.R.  She's super organized!  She makes sure we have reservations for dinner and that we're on time for all the meet ups!  (This super organization comes in handy all year, too!  ;-) )

Since I've been out of town and not near my own printer, my sweet blogging friend Melissa Michael, from the Teacher Treaure Hunter helped me out!  She offered to print all of my session handouts for me!  Then she even put it all in a binder for me!  This woman is amazing...I can't wait to meet her and thank her!

You can follow me on instagram during the conference for fun pictures of our Vegas adventures!  Follow @friendlyfroggie!  If you're in Vegas, I'd love to meet you!  I'm in awe of teacher bloggers now!  :)

More to come...stay tuned!  I'm planning some fun post Vegas Giveaways!