
Relaxed and Ready!

I'm back from a great vacation with my daughters!  It was so much fun to have an all girls trip to Disneyland!  We missed my hubby, of course (he had to work :( ), but it was great fun to be on our own to shop and go at our pace!  We rode so many rides; I even did roller coasters, usually my husband's job, and saw princesses and characters galore!

Luckily, I laminated lots of station games before I left, so now I just need to cut and organize and I'll be somewhat ready for the week ahead!  I'm looking forward to seeing my little firsties.  I really miss them.  I missed a three days for the conference before spring break.  It's been awhile and I'm definitely rested and ready to return to the classroom.

My giveaway ends tomorrow! Be sure and enter, if you haven't already!  The winner will probably be set for literacy and math stations for the remainder of the school year!  :)

One of the prizes includes my game, Easter Egg Eggo, which is great for centers.  It has 4 games which reinforce "r" controlled vowels and -ed, -ing, and -s endings. I know my kiddos will need a review of these skills next week, so I'm putting these games in my literacy center tubs!  

Well, I'm off to catch up on blogs and hopefully finish one more game!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a great vacation. It is funny how we miss the kids so much! As much as I am loving time to get stuff done, a week and a half is a long time to be out of the classroom!


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